8:00 AM
Sweater: Jessica Simpson, Dillards
Denim Pants: Goodwill
Sneakers:Sperry Top-Sider, Dillards
Back by popular demand, my faux dreads! This is by far my favorite protective hair style, simply because it is so unique and I don't have to touch my natural hair for at least 8 weeks. Protective hair styles are this natural sista's life saver !
So I went ahead and purchased my new camera, the Canon Rebel T5i and I am in absolute love with the photo quality and shutter speed (A much needed upgrade from my old Sony camera). All of the above photos were taken with it, and are all natural edits( none), and I can't complain at all. Be on the lookout for some awesome videos on the blog and on my Youtube channel.
2015, the year of manifestation. Lets manifest greatness !