Its the 1st of the Monnnth ! (November to be exact)

3:52 PM

Happy first of November ! Its officially two months until we wrap up 2013 and embark on a new year. I can say that November is probably one of my favorite months of the year, and not because of Thanksgiving (Okay Thanksgiving may be a small initiative) .  Here are a few reasons why November is on my list of favorite months :

1. The Florida Classic, Orlando Florida

The Florida Classic is an annual football game between Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University (FAMU) and Bethune-Cookman University (BCU) held in Orlando, Florida in the Orange Bowl.  This event is one of my favorite events because of the amazing fellowship between HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities), amazing food, The Battle of the Bands, and the AMAZING parties that are hosted.  This year its going to be held November 22-24 and i'm definitely making that trip up to Orlando with my ladies

2. Black Friday/Cyber Monday

Black Friday/ Cyber Monday are the two major holiday shopping days that follow thanksgiving.  These two days are CHUCK full of amazing deals on just about everything: from electronics to apparel, to even groupon deals.  The difference between the two (other than the day of the week that they occur on) is that BlackFriday deals are generally in store/person and CyberMonday is all online.  I prefer CyberMonday because I hate waiting in line, but if something I want is available for BlackFriday I may have to make that sacrifice ! 
P.S: if you want the inside scoop on a lot of deals that will surface for BlackFriday/ CyberMonday check this website out! 

3. Thanksgiving
 ....Because I couldn't resist !

Everyone enjoy your November !

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